- Publish Flight Information - ACRIS API
- Publish Flight Information - AIDX API
- Publish Flight Information - SITA API
- SITA Flight Connection API
- SITA Flight Duration API
- SITA Flight Follower API
- SITA Flight Schedule API
- Overview
- Technical Documentation
- Registration and API Signup
- Flight Schedule API
- Schedule By Departure and Arrival Stations
- Schedule By Departure, Arrival and Airline
- Schedule By Departure, Arrival, Airline and Flight Number
- Schedule By Airline
- Schedule By Airline and Flight Number
- Schedule By Airport and ADI
- Error Response
- Appendix A Flight Schedule Use Cases
- Appendix B Flight Schedule Service Type Codes
- Contact Us
- SITA Flight Status API
- SITA Flight Status Notification API
- SITA Historical Flight Status API
- SITA On Time Performance API
The SITA Flight Schedule API is ideal for passenger or operations app developers that need reliable and accurate schedule information globally. The API provides schedules for upcoming flights, for airports worldwide. Data can be returned for specific airlines and divided into arriving or departing flights.
The flight schedules can be obtained based on airport or flight number.
Examples of information included: arrival/ departure, scheduled time, airport, terminal, claim, aircraft, marketingCarriers / operatingCarrier, airline, flightNumber, tailNumber.
Who uses it
Airlines & Airports operators, Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Data aggregators & system providers, Government agencies & authorities, Travel agents, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) & Education institutions.
Technical Documentation
1 Revision History
Date | Version | Description |
Registration and API Signup
To access the APIs an OAuth access token must be supplied. To obtain an OAuth token a request must be sent to the https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/oauth/token
endpoint using the OAuth2 Client Credential flow, using your API key as the client_id
, and your consumer secret as the client_secret
Once an access token has been obtained, it can be placed in the Authorization
HTTP header as a bearer token, for example:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ92dNw9dka...
Flight Schedule API
The scheme, domain and high level path parameters portion of the URL is:
Where schedule is the functional domain. The current version is v1.
Following the schedule domain parameter, and version, the next path parameter(s) define the service called. As of this version, the following functions are provided:
Function | Method | Description |
2.3 Security
All incoming requests will be REST over HTTPS.
Users are authenticated using their OAuth token.
Certain response payload elements will be filtered based on permissions associated with their token.
2.4 Rate Limiting
All incoming requests are subject to a rate limiting restriction. The following headers are included in HTTP responses:
Header | Description |
The total number of requests allowed in the current time window |
The number of requests left for the current time window |
The policy describing how many request per time window are allowed |
The number of seconds remaining in the current time window. Header not displayed after rate limit has been exceeded |
The epoch timestamp at which the current rate limit window resets. Header only displayed after rate limit has been exceeded |
3 Flight Schedule API
3.1 Resources
This section describes Flight Schedule API service. Detailed API structure, example requests and responses and JSON schema for request (where appropriate) and responses
Schedule By Departure and Arrival Stations
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
Valid IATA/ICAO departure Airport Code |
Valid IATA/ICAO arrival Airport Code |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/route/departure/JFK/arrival/LAX?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3581
"departure" : "JFK",
"arrival" : "LAX",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Schedule By Departure, Arrival and Airline
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
Valid IATA/ICAO departure Airport Code |
Valid IATA/ICAO arrival Airport Code |
Valid IATA/ICAO Airline Code |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/route/departure/JFK/arrival/LAX/airline/AA?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3602
"departure" : "JFK",
"arrival" : "LAX",
"airline" : "AA",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Schedule By Departure, Arrival, Airline and Flight Number
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
Valid IATA/ICAO departure Airport Code |
Valid IATA/ICAO arrival Airport Code |
Valid IATA/ICAO Airline Code |
Flight number |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/route/departure/JFK/arrival/LAX/airline/AA/flightNumber/1?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3627
"departure" : "JFK",
"arrival" : "LAX",
"airline" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Schedule By Airline
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
Valid IATA/ICAO Airline Code |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/airline/AA?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3556
"airline" : "AA",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Schedule By Airline and Flight Number
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
Valid IATA/ICAO Airline Code |
Flight number |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/airline/AA/flightNumber/1?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3581
"airline" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Schedule By Airport and ADI
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The version of this API e.g. v1 |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
Valid IATA/ICAO departure or arrival Airport Code |
Request headers
Name | Description |
The Content-Type of this request |
Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If not defined, current UTC date will be assigned |
End Date for Operation Date Filter (Valid format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'). If defined, operationDateFrom should also be present. If not defined, a 3 days window will be used based on operationDateFrom (if present) or the current UTC date. |
Group associated marketing and operating carrier flights into a single record. Default false. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
1-character direction indicator (A/D) |
2-character IATA or 3-character ICAO airline code |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO arrival airport code |
2-character continent value |
Indicates more results are available. Pass this value to the continuationToken parameter on the request to retrieve the next page |
Country Name where airport is located |
3-character IATA or 4-character ICAO departure airport code |
Flight number |
Aircraft owner |
Aircraft schedule time of arrival |
Aircraft scheduled time of departure |
Aircraft type |
Aircraft version |
Arrival day difference |
Arrival airport city |
Continent where airport is located |
Arrival airport country |
Arrival airport country code |
Airport Elevation |
Arrival airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Arrival airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Arrival airport ident |
Arrival airport latitude position |
Arrival airport longitude position |
Arrival airport local code |
Arrival airport full name |
Arrival airport region |
Arrival airport timezone |
Arrival airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Cabin crew employer |
Cockpit crew employer |
Days of operation |
Departure day difference |
Departure airport city |
Departure airport continent |
Departure airport country |
Departure airport country code |
Airport altitude |
Departure airport IATA code e.g JFK |
Departure airport ICAO code e.g KJFK |
Departure airport identification |
Departure airport latitude position |
Departure airport longitude position |
Departure airport local code |
Departure airport full name |
Departure airport region |
Departure airport timezone |
Departure airport type e.g. LARGE_AIRPORT |
Electronic ticketing candidate |
Flight transit layover |
Flight frequency rate |
Available in-flight service |
A number used to differentiate between itineraries with the same Flight Designator (excluding Operational Suffixes, if any) |
Itinerary variation identifier |
Joint operation airline |
Sequence number |
Marketing airline code |
Marketing airline flight number |
Indicates if the airline is the flight operator |
Type of meal service e.g. Breakfast |
Passenger service class name e.g. BusinessClassPremium |
Passenger service class code e.g. A |
Minimum connecting time |
On time performance indicator |
Aircraft rotation layover |
Airline code of onward flight |
Flight number of onward flight |
Flight suffix of onward flight e.g. 4A, 123B |
Operating airline |
Operation begin date |
Operation end date |
Arrival terminal |
Departure terminal |
Passenger schedule time of arrival |
Passenger scheduled time of departure |
Passenger Reservations Booking Designator |
Passenger Reservations Booking Modifier |
Record serial number |
Secure flight indicator |
Service type |
Traffic restriction code |
Traffic Restriction Code for flight leg |
UTC offset at arrival airport |
UTC offset at departure airport |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/airport/JFK/direction/D?operationDateFrom=2020-07-06&operationDateTo=2020-07-10&groupMarketingCarriers=true' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3581
"departure" : "JFK",
"arrival" : "LAX",
"adi" : "D",
"continent" : "NA",
"country" : "US",
"schedules" : [ {
"itineraryVariationIdentifier" : 1,
"legSequenceNumber" : 1,
"serviceType" : "J",
"operationBegin" : "06JUL2020",
"operationEnd" : "03JUL2021",
"daysOfOperation" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday" ],
"frequencyRate" : "2",
"departureStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 13,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-NY",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "John F Kennedy International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KJFK",
"icaoCode" : "JFK",
"city" : "New York",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/New_York",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 40.63980103,
"lng" : -73.77890015
"passengerSTD" : "0730",
"aircraftSTD" : "0730",
"utcOffsetDepStation" : "-0500",
"passengerDepartureTerminal" : "G",
"arrivalStation" : {
"type" : "LARGE_AIRPORT",
"elevation" : 125,
"continent" : "NA",
"countryCode" : "US",
"region" : "US-CA",
"localCode" : "JFK",
"name" : "Los Angeles International Airport",
"iataCode" : "KLAX",
"icaoCode" : "LAX",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"country" : "US",
"timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
"ident" : "JFK",
"lat" : 33.94250107,
"lng" : -118.4079971
"aircraftSTA" : "1105",
"passengerSTA" : "1105",
"utcOffsetArrStation" : "-0700",
"passengerArrivalTerminal" : "0",
"aircraftType" : "32B",
"prbm" : "N",
"mealService" : {
"mealServicePerClass" : [ {
"passengerCode" : "F",
"passengerClass" : "FirstClass",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "J",
"passengerClass" : "BusinessClassPremium",
"mealService" : [ "Breakfast" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "Y",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoach",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
}, {
"passengerCode" : "V",
"passengerClass" : "EconomyOrCoachDiscounted",
"mealService" : [ "Snack or Brunch" ]
} ]
"jointOperationAirline" : "AA",
"minimumConnectingTime" : "0200",
"secureFlightIndicator" : "S",
"itineraryVariationIdentifierOverflow" : "2",
"aircraftOwner" : "AA",
"cockpitCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"cabinCrewEmployer" : "AA",
"onwardFlight" : {
"airlineDesignator" : "AA",
"flightNumber" : "1",
"aircraftRotationLayover" : "0",
"operationSuffix" : "A"
"flightTransitLayover" : "2",
"operatingAirline" : "OPERATING_FLIGHT",
"trafficRestrictionCode" : [ "O" ],
"trafficRestrictionCodeLegOverflowIndication" : "Z",
"aircraftVersion" : "A318",
"departureDayDifference" : 0,
"arrivalDayDifference" : 0,
"recordSerialNumber" : "000003",
"marketingCarriers" : [ {
"airlineDesignator" : "TN",
"flightNumber" : "1101",
"flightOperator" : false
} ],
"inFlightServiceInformation" : [ {
"service" : "Audio programming"
}, {
"service" : "Wi-Fi"
}, {
"service" : "In-seat Video Player/Library"
}, {
"service" : "USB Power"
} ],
"onTimePerformanceIndicator" : "80-89",
"electronicTicketingCandidate" : "Y"
} ],
"continuationToken" : "Aw=="
Error Response
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
Object that holds the error information |
Array of errors |
Schedule API Internal Error Code |
Error Description |
Indicates the invalid query parameter |
Indicates the invalid query parameter value |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/schedule/v1/route/departure/JFK/arrival/LAX?operationDateFrom=2022-07-30&operationDateTo=2022-07-31&groupMarketingCarriers=true&pageSize=-1' -i -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 209
"errors" : {
"error" : [ {
"description" : "Invalid page size.",
"code" : 2028,
"invalidParam" : "pageSize",
"invalidValue" : "Please contact API Support"
} ]
Appendix A Flight Schedule Use Cases
Scenario: |
As an API user I want to make a request to the Schedule API to return all flights for a specific departure airport, to a specific arrival airport for a certain timeframe |
Request: |
GET /schedule/v1/route/departure/JFK/arrival/LAX?operationDateFrom=2022-10-17&operationDateTo=2022-10-24 |
Response: |
List of flight records for JFK departure flights arriving in LAX between October 17th and October 24th 2022 |
Scenario: |
As an API user I want to make a request to the Schedule API to return all departures for a chosen airport on a specific date |
Request: |
GET /schedule/v1/airport/JFK/direction/D?operationDateFrom=2022-10-17&operationDateTo=2022-10-24 |
Response: |
List of flight records for flights departing JFK between October 17th and October 24th 2022 |
Scenario: |
As an API user I want to make a request to the Schedule API to return all arrivals for a chosen airport on a specific date |
Request: |
GET /schedule/v1/airport/JFK/direction/A?operationDateFrom=2022-10-17&operationDateTo=2022-10-24 |
Response: |
List of flight records for flights arriving in JFK between October 17th and October 24th 2022 |
Appendix B Flight Schedule Service Type Codes
Code | Description | Application | Content |
Contact Us
For subscription and sales queries, please contact:
Product Inquiries
For Flight Schedule API related queries, please contact:
Technical Support Team