- Publish Flight Information - ACRIS API
- Publish Flight Information - AIDX API
- Publish Flight Information - SITA API
- SITA Flight Connection API
- Overview
- Technical Documentation
- Registration and API Sign Up
- Error Response
- Flight Connection API
- Get Flight Connections
- Appendix A SITA Flight Connection API Response Schema
- Appendix B SITA Flight Connection API Use Cases
- Contact Us
- SITA Flight Duration API
- SITA Flight Follower API
- SITA Flight Schedule API
- SITA Flight Status API
- SITA Flight Status Notification API
- SITA Historical Flight Status API
- SITA On Time Performance API

SITA Flight Connection API service provides users with the ability to find flight routings between airports.
The SITA Flight Connection API helps users find direct flights as well as connecting or transit flight to reach the final destination through one, two or more flights namely. For example, a connecting flight from Singapore to New York on Emirates Airlines would mean flying from Singapore to Dubai, or any major airline hub, where you would then disembark and board another plane for another flight from that city to New York.
The SITA Flight Connection API service provides users with the ability to find flight routings between airports based on various user options such as airlines, via airports and min/max connection times amongst others.
Please refer to section 3.1 for request parameter details.
A user may
- Search for flight connections for any combination of direct flights, 1 stop connections or 2+ stop connections.
- Results can be filtered based on selected request parameters such as airlines, via airports, min/max connection times and dates/times amongst others.
- Users api key permissions may also permit consideration of MCT (Minimum Connection Time) data and latest SITA Flight Status API data.
Technical Documentation
Revision History
Date | Version | Description |
The SITA Flight Connection API service provides users with the ability to find flight routings between airports based on various user options such as airlines, via airports and min/max connection times amongst others.
Please refer to section 3.1.1 for request parameter details.
A user may
- Search for flight connections for any combination of direct flights, 1 stop connections or 2+ stop connections.
- Results can be filtered based on selected request parameters such as airlines, via airports, min/max connection times and dates/times amongst others.
- Users api key permissions may also permit consideration of MCT (Minimum Connection Time) data and latest SITA Flight Status API data.
The SITA Flight Connection API uses a combination of three different levels of information to calculate the best results for a user.
Access to the various levels of information is based on the permissions associated with the users api key.
Please see the table below for processing scenarios.
Schedule Data | SITA Flight Status Updates | MCT | Result |
Y | N | N | Only scheduled departure/arrival times will be considered when calculating connections. |
Y | Y | N | Scheduled departure/arrival and latest estimated departure/arrival from SITA Flight Status API (when available) will be considered when calculating connections |
Y | Y | Y | Scheduled departure/arrival and latest estimated departure/arrival from SITA Flight Status API (when available) will be considered when calculating connections. Matched connections will also be filtered to remove any that breach the minimum connection times published in the MCT file. |
Y | N | Y | Only scheduled departure/arrival times will be considered when calculating connections. Matched connections will also be filtered to remove any that breach the minimum connection times published in the MCT file. |
Registration and API Sign Up
To access the APIs you will need a registration key, also known as an API key. These can be obtained by creating an account on https://www.developer.aero/ and registering your interest for access to the API.
2.2 Authentication
To access the APIs an OAuth access token must be supplied in an Authorization header in the request. To obtain an OAuth token a request must be sent to the https://sitaopen.api.aero/connection/oauth/token endpoint using the OAuth2 Client Credential flow.Use your API key as the client_id, and your consumer secret as the client_secret these should be base64 encoded in an Authorization header when sent to the OAuth endpoint.
Please note the OAuth tokens have an expiry of one hour after the token has been retrieved, after the token has expired you will need to re-issue a request to get a new token.
curl --location 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/connection/oauth/token' \--header 'Authorization: Basic YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC5xcnN0dXY='
You should then see your OAuth token in the response.
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWZyZXNoX3Rva2VuX2V4cGlyZXNfaW4iOiIzNTk5Iiwic3ViIjoic2l0YSIsImFwaV9cm9kdWN0X2xpc3QiOiJbRE9UUy1GbGlnaHQtQ29ubmVjdGlvbi1JbnRlcm5hbF0iLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46XC9cL2FwaWdlZS1lZdlLUpXVC1wb2xpY3ktdGVzdCIsImFwaV9hY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIweXlIZHduSUdtOGo5WlN6WWtuYTBsWG9ZNTFvIiwiYXBpX3JlZnJlc2hfdG9rZW4iOiJraHNlaXN2T3JwSHBUd2NuUVRHdXdBdVdicXNpamNQTyIsImFwaV9zY29wZSI6IiIsImF1ZCI6ImFwaWdlZS1hcGkiLCJleHAiOj3MzAyOTI3MzIsImFwcF9pZCI6IjIxYzI5NTgyLTIwZTktNDkwMS1hNjExLTVkM2UwM2QxNzFkYiIsImV4cGlyZXNfaW4iOiIzNTk5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMwMjg5MTMyLCJqdGkiOiI3ZmEzNTU4Mi0xNDhmLTRiMmEtODYxMS0wNWI4NDg5YjFjYmMifQ.g_dFH-08DGADOX9HIk7wzX5edxXejVsnCen27A25TQ0"
Once an access token has been obtained, it can be placed in the Authorization HTTP header as a bearer token, for example:
curl --location 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/connection/v1/routes/DEL/DUB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2024-11-06&directFlights=true' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWZyZXNoX3Rva2VuX2V4cGlyZXNfaW4iOiIzNTk5Iiwic3ViIjoic2l0YSIsImFwaV9cm9kdWN0X2xpc3QiOiJbRE9UUy1GbGlnaHQtQ29ubmVjdGlvbi1JbnRlcm5hbF0iLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46XC9cL2FwaWdlZS1lZdlLUpXVC1wb2xpY3ktdGVzdCIsImFwaV9hY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIweXlIZHduSUdtOGo5WlN6WWtuYTBsWG9ZNTFvIiwiYXBpX3JlZnJlc2hfdG9rZW4iOiJraHNlaXN2T3JwSHBUd2NuUVRHdXdBdVdicXNpamNQTyIsImFwaV9zY29wZSI6IiIsImF1ZCI6ImFwaWdlZS1hcGkiLCJleHAiOj3MzAyOTI3MzIsImFwcF9pZCI6IjIxYzI5NTgyLTIwZTktNDkwMS1hNjExLTVkM2UwM2QxNzFkYiIsImV4cGlyZXNfaW4iOiIzNTk5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMwMjg5MTMyLCJqdGkiOiI3ZmEzNTU4Mi0xNDhmLTRiMmEtODYxMS0wNWI4NDg5YjFjYmMifQ.g_dFH-08DGADOX9HIk7wzX5edxXejVsnCen27A25TQ0'
2.2 Security
- All incoming requests will be REST over HTTPS.
- Users are authenticated using their API key.
- Certain response payload elements may be filtered based on permissions associated with the x-apikey value used.
- The API key used in the REST call will be included in the response headers returned to the end user.
2.3 Rate Limiting
All incoming requests are subject to a rate limiting restriction. The following headers are included in HTTP responses:
Header | Description |
| The total number of requests allowed in the current time window |
| The number of requests left for the current time window |
| The policy describing how many request per time window are allowed |
| The number of seconds remaining in the current time window. Header not displayed after rate limit has been exceeded |
| The epoch timestamp at which the current rate limit window resets. Header only displayed after rate limit has been exceeded |
Error Response
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
| Error |
| Invalid value |
| Invalid parameter |
| Errors |
| Error code |
| Error description |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/connection/v1/routes/DUB/XYZ' -i -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 207
"errors" : {
"error" : [ {
"description" : "Airport not found",
"code" : 1001,
"invalidParam" : "arrival",
"invalidValue" : "Please contact API Support"
} ]
Flight Connection API
This section describes the SITA Flight Connection API service.
Detailed API structure, example requests and responses, JSON schema for request (where appropriate) and responses, and error response codes and formats are included.
3.1 Flight Connection V1
Get Flight Connections
Retrieve all possible flight routes between two given airports including connections based on the search parameters provided by the user.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
Request parameters
Snippet request-parameters not found for operation::ConnectionControllerV1DocumentationTest/shouldReturnValidResponse/1
Request headers
Name | Optional | Description |
Content-Type | false | Content type of this request. Required value is 'application/json' |
Authorization | false | Authorization header that contains the access token. |
Response fields
Path | Type | Description |
| Comma separated list of 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO codes. Airports in this list will be excluded as options for XXX in the routing DUB-AMS-XXX-DXB. |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
| Maximum total elapsed journey time in minutes including connections |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
| Connection routing |
| 3-character airport IATA code |
| 2-character country code |
| Search for connections containing direct flights. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. |
| City |
| Preferred time of travel HH:MM, defaults to current time. (Local if preferredDate provided, UTC if preferredDate not provided) |
| Airport longitude |
| Filter flights to show flights with a passenger service type. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with showCargoOnly, both cannot be true |
| Flight Number |
| Airport latitude |
| Flight distance in kms |
| Comma separated list of 2-character airline IATA codes or 3-character airline ICAO codes. Leg 1 of matched connections will be filtered to only include airlines in this list |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code. This is the airport code XXX in the routing DUB-XXX-DXB. |
| Maximum circuity. Higher circuity occurs when the connection airport is a greater relative distance away from the straight line connecting the origin with the destination. Double value min 1 max 10. |
| Number of routes matching search criteria |
| 4-character airport ICAO code |
| 3-character airport IATA code |
| Total elapsed journey time including connections |
| Service Type indicator. J = Passenger, F = Cargo. |
| 2-character country code |
| City timezone |
| Time range (minutes) from preferredDate/preferredTime which to search. For example search window is preferredDate/preferredTime → preferredDate/preferredTime + timeRange |
| Search for connections with one stop. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. |
| Airport longitude |
| Local scheduled time of departure i.e. 2021-05-26T16:20:00+02:00 |
| Airport elevation |
| Comma separated list of 2-character airline IATA codes or 3-character airline ICAO codes. Leg 2 of matched connections will be filtered to only include airlines in this list |
| Comma separated list of 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO codes. Airports in this list will be excluded as options for XXX in the routing DUB-XXX-DXB. |
| Search parameters |
| Airport name |
| Airport elevation |
| Minimum connection time between flights in minutes. |
| Details of the routes found which match the search criteria |
| Results sorted by: D - earliest departure from origin, A - earliest arrival at final destination, E - total elapsed journey time (including connections). |
| Details of the flights contained in this connection routing |
| 4-character airport ICAO code |
| Location |
| Local estimated time of departure (ISO-8601) i.e. 2021-05-26T16:20:00+02:00 |
| City timezone |
| All flights in connection should be operated by same airline. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. |
| Local scheduled time of arrival i.e. 2021-05-26T16:20:00+02:00 |
| Search for connections with two or more stops. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. |
| Comma separated list of 2-character airline IATA codes or 3-character airline ICAO codes. Leg 3 of matched connections will be filtered to only include airlines in this list |
| Comma separated list of 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO codes. This is the airport code XXX in the routing DUB-AMS-XXX-DXB. |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
| Number of stops |
| Flight duration in minutes |
| City |
| Local estimated time of arrival (ISO-8601) i.e. 2021-05-26T16:20:00+02:00 |
| Maximum connection time between flights in minutes |
| Restrict result size to defined limit. Integer value min 1 max 50 |
| Airport name |
| 2-character airline IATA code or 3-character airline ICAO code |
| Filter flights to show flights with a cargo service type. Boolean - Permitted values true/false. Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with showPaxOnly, both cannot be true |
| Location |
| 3-character airport IATA code or 4-character airport ICAO code |
| Airport latitude |
| Preferred date of travel YYYY-MM-DD defaults to current UTC date. |
Curl request
$ curl 'https://sitaopen.api.aero/connection/v1/routes/DUB/LHR' -i -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uIiwidG9rZW4ifQ...'
HTTP response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 4248
"parameters" : {
"departure" : "CFN",
"arrival" : "BKK",
"via1" : "DUB",
"excludeVia1" : [ "BFS" ],
"via2" : "LHR",
"excludeVia2" : [ "GLA" ],
"leg1Airlines" : [ "EI" ],
"leg2Airlines" : [ "BA" ],
"leg3Airlines" : [ "TG" ],
"sameCarrier" : false,
"preferredDate" : "2021-05-10",
"preferredTime" : "00:00",
"timeRange" : 1440,
"minConnectionTime" : 60,
"maxConnectionTime" : 240,
"maxElapsedTime" : 1440,
"maxCircuity" : 1.7,
"routeSortBy" : "A",
"limit" : 3,
"directFlights" : true,
"oneStop" : false,
"twoPlusStops" : false,
"showCargoOnly" : false,
"showPaxOnly" : false
"matchedRoutes" : 1,
"routes" : [ {
"stops" : 2,
"route" : "CFN-DUB-LHR-BKK",
"totalJourneyTimeMinutes" : 1350,
"flights" : [ {
"airlineCode" : "EI",
"flightNumber" : "3401",
"scheduleDeparture" : "2020-11-22T10:30:00Z",
"estimatedDeparture" : "2020-11-22T10:40:00Z",
"departure" : {
"iataCode" : "CFN",
"icaoCode" : "EIDL",
"name" : "Donegal Airport",
"city" : "Donegal",
"countryCode" : "IE",
"timezone" : "Europe/Dublin",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "55.0442008972168",
"longitude" : "-8.340999603271484",
"elevation" : "9.144"
"scheduleArrival" : "2020-11-22T11:20:00Z",
"estimatedArrival" : "2020-11-22T11:30:00Z",
"arrival" : {
"iataCode" : "DUB",
"icaoCode" : "EIDW",
"name" : "Dublin Airport",
"city" : "Dublin",
"countryCode" : "IE",
"timezone" : "Europe/Dublin",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "53.421299",
"longitude" : "-6.27007",
"elevation" : "73.7616"
"duration" : "50",
"distance" : "225357.44",
"serviceType" : "J"
}, {
"airlineCode" : "BA",
"flightNumber" : "5972",
"scheduleDeparture" : "2020-11-22T15:30:00Z",
"estimatedDeparture" : "2020-11-22T15:40:00Z",
"departure" : {
"iataCode" : "DUB",
"icaoCode" : "EIDW",
"name" : "Dublin Airport",
"city" : "Dublin",
"countryCode" : "IE",
"timezone" : "Europe/Dublin",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "53.421299",
"longitude" : "-6.27007",
"elevation" : "73.7616"
"scheduleArrival" : "2020-11-22T16:50:00Z",
"estimatedArrival" : "2020-11-22T17:00:00Z",
"arrival" : {
"iataCode" : "LHR",
"icaoCode" : "EGLL",
"name" : "London Heathrow Airport",
"city" : "London",
"countryCode" : "GB",
"timezone" : "Europe/London",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "51.4706",
"longitude" : "-0.461941",
"elevation" : "25.2984"
"duration" : "80",
"distance" : "449760.73",
"serviceType" : "J"
}, {
"airlineCode" : "TG",
"flightNumber" : "917",
"scheduleDeparture" : "2020-11-22T21:35:00Z",
"estimatedDeparture" : "2020-11-22T21:40:00Z",
"departure" : {
"iataCode" : "LHR",
"icaoCode" : "EGLL",
"name" : "London Heathrow Airport",
"city" : "London",
"countryCode" : "GB",
"timezone" : "Europe/London",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "51.4706",
"longitude" : "-0.461941",
"elevation" : "25.2984"
"scheduleArrival" : "2020-11-23T16:00:00+07:00",
"estimatedArrival" : "2020-11-23T16:10:00+07:00",
"arrival" : {
"iataCode" : "BKK",
"icaoCode" : "VTBS",
"name" : "Suvarnabhumi Airport",
"city" : "Bangkok",
"countryCode" : "TH",
"timezone" : "Asia/Bangkok",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "13.681099891662598",
"longitude" : "100.74700164794922",
"elevation" : "1.524"
"duration" : "685",
"distance" : "9588735.25",
"serviceType" : "J"
} ]
} ]
Appendix A SITA Flight Connection API Response Schema
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"parameters" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"departure" : {
"type" : "string"
"arrival" : {
"type" : "string"
"via1" : {
"type" : "string"
"excludeVia1" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
"via2" : {
"type" : "string"
"excludeVia2" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
"leg1Airlines" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
"leg2Airlines" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
"leg3Airlines" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "string"
"sameCarrier" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"preferredDate" : {
"type" : "string"
"preferredTime" : {
"type" : "string"
"timeRange" : {
"type" : "integer"
"minConnectionTime" : {
"type" : "integer"
"maxConnectionTime" : {
"type" : "integer"
"maxElapsedTime" : {
"type" : "integer"
"maxCircuity" : {
"type" : "number"
"routeSortBy" : {
"type" : "string"
"limit" : {
"type" : "integer"
"directFlights" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"oneStop" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"twoPlusStops" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"showCargoOnly" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"showPaxOnly" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"matchedRoutes" : {
"type" : "integer"
"routes" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"stops" : {
"type" : "integer"
"route" : {
"type" : "string"
"totalJourneyTimeMinutes" : {
"type" : "integer"
"flights" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"airlineCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"flightNumber" : {
"type" : "string"
"scheduleDeparture" : {
"type" : "string"
"estimatedDeparture" : {
"type" : "string"
"departure" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"iataCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"icaoCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"name" : {
"type" : "string"
"city" : {
"type" : "string"
"countryCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"timezone" : {
"type" : "string"
"location" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"latitude" : {
"type" : "string"
"longitude" : {
"type" : "string"
"elevation" : {
"type" : "string"
"scheduleArrival" : {
"type" : "string"
"estimatedArrival" : {
"type" : "string"
"arrival" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"iataCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"icaoCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"name" : {
"type" : "string"
"city" : {
"type" : "string"
"countryCode" : {
"type" : "string"
"timezone" : {
"type" : "string"
"location" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"latitude" : {
"type" : "string"
"longitude" : {
"type" : "string"
"elevation" : {
"type" : "string"
"duration" : {
"type" : "string"
"distance" : {
"type" : "string"
"serviceType" : {
"type" : "string"
Appendix B SITA Flight Connection API Use Cases
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. Request does not contain any of the query parameters directFlights/oneStop/twoPlusStops so the system defaults to directFlights. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest arrival time at destination and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=A&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest arrival time and destination and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct passenger flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true&showPaxOnly=true |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results and passenger flights only. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct cargo flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true&showCargoOnly=true |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results and cargo flights only. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX AA direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&directFlights=true&leg1Airlines=AA |
Response: | List of direct AA JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX AA direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest arrival time at destination and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=A&directFlights=true&leg1Airlines=AA |
Response: | List of direct AA JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by earliest arrival time and destination and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX AA direct flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true&leg1Airlines=AA |
Response: | List of direct AA JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX AA direct passenger flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true&leg1Airlines=AA&showPaxOnly=true |
Response: | List of direct AA JFK-LAX passenger flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX AA direct cargo flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true&leg1Airlines=AA&showCargoOnly=true |
Response: | List of direct AA JFK-LAX cargo flights on 2022-05-10, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return JFK-LAX direct flights on 2022-05-10 between 15:00 and 17:00 local JFK time, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&directFlights=true&preferredTime=15:00&timeRange=120 |
Response: | List of direct JFK-LAX flights on 2022-05-10 between 15:00 and 17:00 local JFK time, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&oneStop=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by earliest arrival time at final destination and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=A&oneStop=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by earliest arrival time at final destination and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB passenger flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&showPaxOnly=true&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB passenger flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB cargo flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&showCargoOnly=true&routeSortBy=E&directFlights=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB cargo flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 connecting via CDG, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&oneStop=true&via1=CDG |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop which is CDG, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop which is not CDG or AMS, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&oneStop=true&excludeVia1=CDG,AMS |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop which is not CDG or AMS, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop where all legs are operated by AF, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&oneStop=true&leg1Airlines=AF&sameCarrier=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one stop where all legs are operated by AF, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by earliest arrival time at final destination and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=A&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by earliest arrival time at final destination and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=E&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB passenger flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&showPaxOnly=true&routeSortBy=E&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB passenger flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB cargo flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/JFK/LAX?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&showCargoOnly=true&routeSortBy=E&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB cargo flights on 2022-05-10 containing two or more stops, ordered by total elapsed journey time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing direct or one stop, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&directFlights=true&oneStop=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing direct or one stop, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Scenario: | As an API user I wish to make a request to SITA Flight Connection API to return DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one or, two (or more) stops, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Request: | GET /connection/v1/routes/DUB/DXB?timeRange=1440&preferredDate=2022-05-10&limit=50&routeSortBy=D&oneStop=true&twoPlusStops=true |
Response: | List of DUB-DXB flights on 2022-05-10 containing one or, two (or more) stops, ordered by earliest departure time and limited to 50 results. |
Contact Us
For subscription and sales queries, please contact:
Product Inquiries
For SITA Flight Connection API related queries, please contact:
Technical Support Team